Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Birthday Present

birthday present from my lovely dear.. is a Air Purifier. Just bought it from Jusco last saturday
Thanks dear.. love you........

This Air Purifier have 6 layer Fitration System.
layer 1 - Pre-Filter- filter away Smog,Dust,Waste particles & Large smoke particules
layer 2 - Activated carbon filter - filter on - Foul Odor & Pollen
layer 3 - High efficiency HEPA filter - filter - Bacteria, Fungus and Molds
layer 4 & 5 - Ultraviolet & Photo catalyst anti-bacteria - agains Virus & Germs
layer 6 - Negative Ion Air Freshener - output of Negative ions

artical from The Star newspaper - dates Sunday - 22 july 2007
Make room for the air
ACCORDING to the World Health Association, indoor air quality problems or the sick building syndrome affects 30% of public buildings.
Contaminants such as fungi, dusts, bacteria, tobacco smoke and ozone can be found in any typical room.

York’s Caire 1000 is capable of removing harmful chemical gases and odours that can cause adverse effects to the human body.All these contaminants may cause undesired health concerns like inflammation around eye, dry throat, snivelling, headache and tiredness.
In areas that are most polluted, lives are shortened by an average of one to two years because of this.
Together with its sister company, American Air Filter (AAF), York has successfully brought industrial and commercial air filtration technology right into your homes.
York’s Caire 1000 is the result of 80 years of expertise in the design and manufacturing of air filtration.
It features six filtration layers consisting of a pre-filter, gas phase air filter (activated carbon & potassium permanganate blend), HEPA filter, UV light, photocatalyst and ioniser.
With blend media gas phase air filter, Caire 1000 is capable of removing harmful chemical gases and odours.
Blend media (Potassium Permanganate & Activated Carbon Blend) is superior compared to pure activated carbon gas phase air filter that removes the widest range of gas contaminants for best overall effect.
The Caire 1000’s HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter is capable of removing 99.99% of particulates measuring 0.3 micron (human hair is ~59 micron thick).
Unlike normal HEPA filters in the market, Caire 1000’s HEPA filter is coated with INTERSEPT, a chemical that prevents micro organism growth.
Its UV light and photocatalyst features further enhance the air cleaning effect for total peace of mind.
UV light complements the HEPA filters to produce the best bacteria killing effect and acts as catalyst to activate the photocatalyst. The photocatalyst kills bacteria and deodorises the air.
York’s Caire 1000 also has an air pollution indication system to indicate air pollution level. The unit is suitable for residential and commercial use.
A unit of York’s Caire 1000 is sufficient to clean the air for a room measuring
20 to 30m2.

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